Inside the Secret Facebook Group Where Women Review Men They’ve Dated

 Inside the Secret Facebook Group Where Women Review Men They've Dated

There aren’t satisfying good single men around within New York City. As far as I can tell, everyone says to us. And when Deanna* moved into the city in the latter part of 2021 she was the first to test if any truth in the claim. Single after her long-time boyfriend broke up with her on Snapchat, Deanna joined Hinge and Tinder. It was around this time that a Facebook group called Are You Dating the same Guy NYC came up as an ideal follower. The group had an intense preliminary screening survey and community guidelines that were a bar for entry. The group was comprised of 43,000 people. Deanna was interested, and she joined.

The community

The group was formed in the exact purpose of helping women check if they were dating other people-was started in the month of March 2022. Each major US city has a similar organization today and the rules for everyone are simple: Everyone is allowed to post anonymously. There is no censorship or sharing sensitive information, and in no circumstance can screen shots be removed from the group. No bullying, no victim blaming and no hate speech. Do not tell someone that you’ve seen on the list. Following the scandal that of West Elm Caleb, who was a man with whom numerous women from New York shared negative dating experiences and made connections online, it seemed like a lot of women were searching to find a way to seek out the other guys who shared similar can find more here from Our Articles One TikTok user noted that time This is why we need an app where we can leave reviews of guys we’ve dated on Hinge.

That’s what this group had become in the year Deanna joined. Each edition of Are We Dating the Same Guy is a common site for women seeking guidance on their romantic lives or warn about people with whom they’ve had poor dating experiences. Loyalty-testing long-term boyfriends-that is, using other women to attract them on social networks has also become more common. It’s all too easy to fall down a rabbit down a rabbit hole of screenshotted Hinge profiles, tales of hookups that didn’t work, and memes about the perils of modern-day dating. Some of the most popular posts feature pictures of men who have his name asking whether someone has matched or dated the individual that is being asked about. Emojis with red flags are a common glimpse on uninspiring but ominous posts warning people of an ex-partner or a bad date frequently accompanied by a downward-pointing arrow and the scary warning words See comments for more info.

Online dating has dominated our chances in recent times in recent years, with a recent study revealing that around 39 percent of heterosexual couples have met their spouse online. So it’s only natural the romantic side of romance should be modified to fit the current digital age. Instead of having a conversation with the same group of people in a bar, or sharing stories with coworkers, we’re now seeking advice from 43,000 women with similar – and sometimes almost identical experiences.

It’s demystified this idea that dating is easier for some women than it is for others, says Ellie one of the group member. Not to suggest there’s no certain privileges, but it was certainly beneficial to me to reframe my thoughts about dating. It’s not about competing between women but instead holding men to a higher standard than before.

It’s not lost on me, however, that some of the behavior which is encouraged and supported in Are We the Dating the Same Guy is to be considered a red flag by potential suitors. Photos, details of private conversations and screenshots thrown up without consent or knowledge are numerous. People search social media profiles on a regular basis. It’s not hard to have a relationship put on the hot seat. Though Deanna is a fan of being part of the group, she’s got a few reservations. Sometimes you see people posting ‘If he wanted to, he would’ about paying for things or picking you up in an Uber, she adds. But I’m thinking you’ll face the problem that it becomes an echo chamber of ‘Men’s forced us to do this all day, we’re ready to give it back.

Today, we live in an age of patriarchy

The world is still the patriarchal system, and until we’re truly equal the online interactions will have different reverberations depending on each person’s background. Even so, can a such a group really be vigilante empowerment on one side of the spectrum and an abominable to the point of being incensed on the other? Are We All Dating the Same Guy? Is it hyperlocal and inter-personal, but only for those who live or date in the city the group is based in. The women and men they profile, could be your neighbor or coworker, friend, family member, or your most current Hinge match. There’s also a depersonalization that occurs when operating on the internet, making it seem like the game. It’s not an unreasonable idea for me to say this is in opposition the people in both groups-especially when the details of private conversations and even photographs are shared without prior consent or knowledge, but often for the purpose of sheer entertainment.

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